Ecommerce Consultant

Ecommerce Consultant

Ecommerce Consultant Start Reading Ecommerce Consultant As an ecommerce consultant and lead generation expert, I have observed persistent challenges faced by new entrants and small online stores. The misconception of “build it and they will come” still...
Why Tech Startups Struggle

Why Tech Startups Struggle

Why Tech Startups Struggle Start Reading INTRO “This code is a bit crap”, I said, as an off the cuff comment to a developer. The developer just got up and walked out of the meeting. It was the first and last time I did that. BACKSTORY Here’s a few other things I...
Mentoring a Vegan Chocolate Startup

Mentoring a Vegan Chocolate Startup

Mentoring a Vegan Chocolate Startup Start Reading INTRO A million breakdowns, a BIG event and an online store launch. The story of a (an eventually successful) Vegan Chocolate startup.I’ve been working with Manuela in a coaching role for six months. Up until a few...