Create a PDF Contract and email it, with one click using automation
Create a PDF Contract and email it with one click
Want to save time on contract creation? In this video, I’ll show you how to automate the entire process—just check a box in Airtable, and Zapier will instantly generate a PDF contract in Google Docs, convert it to PDF and email it to the recipient. No more manual work, just seamless automation!
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in this video I’m going to go through a slightly more complex automation. This was triggered by a
client who, as well as a few other automations in their workflow, happened to throw in a an
almost off-the-cuff comment that said it really would be Nirvana in terms of being able to
automatically create a contract. I kind of picked up on this and asked them to go into a bit more detail.
I’m going to go through a process now which is very similar to what the client asked for. We will use Airtable and Ticking a box within Airtable to produce a contract with a set of variables in there and then turn that contract into a PDF and send it to the
So quite a lot of moves in here, quite a lot of data handling, but I’m going to take you through the process. This is the process
itself, and we can see that the start of the workflow here so we are going to use Airtable as our trigger. It could just as easily be any other application that would form a trigger.
For this example it is going to be ticking a checkbox. The information
is then passed via Zapier. We send some of the data from Airtable into a Google Doc and within the Google Doc we’re going to use some variables and we will put the data from Airtable into those variables.
We will then follow on from that zap by turning that Google doc into a PDF creating an email and attaching the PDF
to the email with the use of an email template and finally sending the email.
This is primarily driven by Zapier but we could also do this in and there are many many options in terms of the documents that we could use. We could use other document Management Systems it’s just an example the steps
are pretty much the same throughout.
Here we are in our table and here is the data that we’re looking to send. This is just a an example template so we have
some names here first name last name and address, a rate so that would be the hourly rate for the contract. The start
date of the contract.
This is the tick box and then this is the email address to which it will be sent to and when I said it is just
ticking a check box, this is the check box that we will use.
Let’s take a look at the Google Doc itself, this is just an example. You could change the text in here but what’s important are these variables in the double brackets. In here we’re going to insert the address in here the first name and start date and so on and so forth.
Here’s our Airtable, here is our contract template then the final thing is Zapier itself. I will go through the details.
So let’s tick that check box. It’s going to automatically create the contract. The trigger for me in this particular is the
record appearing in this View for the first time. Here we can see the details have been passed and the create
contract has been checked the previous one is just an example I used to test this and so what what happens
here let’s take a look at zapia inside zapia the trigger that we have here is a new record in a specific view so it’s
limit to view and we saw that create contract view
In here we had to add a formatter uh because the date and time
came out in an unusual format um we tend to use European format for this so I added a formatting step and then we pass that
data into the document template so you can see here is our template document contract template demo and then we add
in here all of the various the address first name um and so on the client then ask me you know maybe
I can what what happens if I need to go back and update the record itself so I created a link that found the record and then updated the record to provide the here’s the ID this was the link back to that Google doc in case they ever wanted to edit and
resend it in the future
so that they could find it and then then the final step is essentially to send the email and it says it’s from me here’s the subject here’s the name here’s the text and here’s the attachment that goes with it so if we go back to our process again we can we see in the Airtable record
there’s the zap using the template uh zap continues to create that link but also create the email and send the email with this attached PDF so if we look at our email you can see that this contract has arrived it has a sample text um
Andrew was the name of the data that we had it and here is the PDF document with the address the name the start date uh the salary level
uh and so so on and so forth so there we are there is the email sent with the attached PDF
If you enjoyed this video please hit the like button it does wonders for the channel and if this is something that maybe you want in your organisation or something similar then please drop me a note or go to my website. We can set up a free call to talk
about your business and perhaps some of the automations that you need.
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