Automatically create an Asana Project using Typeform

Automatically create an Asana Project using Typeform

Today I have a tutorial about using Typeform (or any other form) to automatically create an Asana Project. 

Why use an external form?

If you don’t want to open up Asana externally and just want to allow others to create a project with a fixed structure or template, this tutorial will help. This is the outline framework in how to do this, but can be easily modified to include tasks or assignments and other information easily. 

Looking for support with Asan – see my Pipedrive Consulting Page

Hi there, in this video we’re going to take another look at Asana and this time how we generate an Asana project from a template by using an external form and for this example we’re using Typeform but you could use job form or gravity forms or even Google forms anything else that is a kind of standard form and we’re going to use just a few simple inputs to generate our Asana project from the template.

So why would you use this?

Well when I talk to clients they often have the requirement for external parties so people outside of their Asana group they will need them to generate a project and it could have a set number of tasks or a fixed number depending on the type of form that they use and you don’t always want the entire team to have access to your Asana you simply want them to input the details with which to create a project and kind of take it from there.

So there are a couple of prerequisites for this.

Firstly I’ll take you through setting up the type form itself and then we’ll go through and take a look at the Asana template and then we’ll kind of join it all together using Zappia but you could also use make or any of the other automation systems they’re all pretty much the same and then we’ll kind of take a look at the output and you can of course modify the input to the forms the details within the Asana template of the project itself there’s lots and lots of things you can do with this but it’s a good starting point to kind of get you off the ground.

Okay so the first step of this is to basically set up the form within type form.

So I’ve just created a really really simple version of this so I’ve just asked for an email address then the first and last name of the person submitting it and then the company name and the company name is what determines the project title.

So I’ve also set up a test project so this is my Asana template it has some tasks in here and it has me assigned so you could look at assigning these to certain people and you could also set up dates and whatever.

This shows as a project but it is actually a template as well.

So let’s go ahead and kind of get this working.

So set up your form within type form or gravity forms of whatever the application you are using they’re all essentially the same and here we have the type form in all its glory.

So I’ll put my email address in here.

Move on to the next piece and I’ll put my name and then the company is kind of the important thing here so I’ll call this Joe Brog’s code and we submit the form and it says of course thank you so much for submitting the form and that’s the kind of first piece and so what happens is is that gets handed to Zappia and if we look at this app we can see that basically we’re using this type form we’ve configured it to use this template the test HHR project within sorry this is the form that I’ve called it and then it essentially triggers that so it gathers the information within a sauna and this is important piece the action event is create a project from the template here’s my account and I’m going to assign it to the client team and then I’m going to call this test company which was the company name that I added in the form and that’s all there is that it’s really simple you could add in tasks and all sorts bits and pieces here I felt that it really wasn’t necessary for this demonstration so as we can see here we have our new project created in the sauna it’s taken the name from the type form that we submitted and within it it has all of those actions and your notice that it’s got the assignee’s sign it would also have the due dates if those are relevant probably not relevant for the template but it has all of these stages in the and so if you can imagine all of these tasks now you do not need to do manually they’re all added and you could even add within your form if you wanted to add in specific tasks that you wanted the client to update so if you wanted to gather information and so on you can do that probably not relevant for this demonstration please let me know in the comments below if you would like me to go into the details of any of this so that was it that was how you set up an asana project by using the template and an external form it’s like I said it’s pretty simple you can modify lots and lots of the details behind this but without kind of going into the nitty-gritty everyone’s going to be different everyone’s going to use different things but it’s the backbone of all of the changes that you will need if you found this useful please like the video it all helps but if you wanted me to help you and your business set up this sort of automation please use the link in the description below set up a free core and we can talk about the details you may want to check out the videos that appear at the end of this they’ll also take you through projects and designs using asana, air table, pipe drive and of course automation that you may find interesting thank you so much and I’ll see you in the next video

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